Do you need to settle on your new property fast?

Today’s video idea has come off the back of the recent Christmas holiday period – where we had a number of clients looking to settle within really short time frames.

For some context, depending upon the state you live in, standard settlement timelines will vary from 30-90 days.

Having overseen hundreds, if not thousands of settlement transactions across the last 9 years that i’ve been a mortgage broker – I don’t recommend committing yourself to an extra short settlement timeframe.

Instead, if settling fast is a priority: we suggest that you negotiate and commit to a standard settlement timeframe, but with a provision in the purchase contract that allows you to settle earlier if all parties are ready.

With any purchase, there are multiple stake holders involved, so even with the best efforts and intentions, be mindful that somethings just take a little bit of time.

To summarise – shortened settlement timelines can and do happen, you just need to be the right candidate with the stars aligning.

At the risk of sounding a little lawyery, be sure to consult your broker (hopefully the lending alliance), your conveyancer/solicitor and then make an informed decision from there.

As always, if there is anything you need – please don’t ever hesitate to reach out to someone from The Lending Alliance Team.

If you head onto our website, – you can book in a meeting with myself or one of the other Lending Alliance team members using their direct Calendly links.


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